Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I have been playing this game on the FTB forums and it seems to me to have a very mind-bending feel. The basics can be found here. The reason I believe this game is very psychological is because of the intense deception involved in playing it correctly. This is especially evident in the forum version because you cannot tell whether or not a person is lying by their tone of voice and people can quote others even if they didn't say it. Due to the intense deception it is very important to pick up patterns in peoples speech so you can distinguish if something is real or not. While playing this game I have found that alliances are formed quicker than I would expect. I believe this is because people want to have something concrete they can use throughout the game. There are many strategies you can use in werewolf, but I will not tell you mine because I want to continue to play :P. I do know that a very common wolf strategy is to convince people you are the seer and proceed to wipe out everyone. However, this is easily countered if people play in a smart manner because if Person A says they are a seer and to kill Person B and Person B is found innocent Person A is clearly guilty. As you can see from that extremely simple strategy this game can get very complex. Sometimes when playing the game moves as slow as a snail because people are scared to vote and lose their innocence. These games are then mixed up by a death that proves someone was innocent and they were also saying someone else was guilty. This can result in extreme bandwagons; this can either kill a team or give it victory. So those are my thoughts about werewolf. Again hash it out in the comments if you would like.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Thoughts on the Current Education System

Thoughts on the Current Education System

So as I am in my third week of school I felt I should make a comment on the education system. I have a couple of problems with the current one, these are mostly based on CPG Grey's video on Digital Aristotle. However, after pulling from a few more sources I have compiled a list of things that our wrong with our system that I would like to share (This is based on the U.S.A. education system).

In the current education system (I will use CES for short) the pace is right for only 1 out of 5         
students. This is a major problem because either people will not be able to keep up in a system       
which builds upon earlier lessons, or people will be held back by how we teach.

The CES focuses on getting a good job; however, I believe that is not what most people are 
looking for. I hate it when people ask me what do you want to be when you grow up because I 
don't want to be my job, I want to be happy and healthy; I believe most people want this to. 
Therefore, the education system should be based around around these things. There are many 
things that make a person happy and healthy, but we should teach the basic principles. Don't get the wrong idea here, I still believe we should do the standard classes; however, these classes should not overpower being happy and healthy

Many times in planners for lessons there is a startling lack of agency, the ability to influence an outcome. Agency is a very important lesson for are youth to learn because it gives them the power
to make their lives better than their starting conditions or better are own civilization. I feel that schools should make agency a huge part of education because if they don't many people will miss
great opportunities because they feel that they cannot influence the end result.

So that is a quick rundown of my thoughts on the CES. What do you guys think? Hash it out in the comments and I will respond in tomorrows blog post after the normal post.

Sunday, August 17, 2014



So y'all have already heard me mention these amazing people, but I thought they needed a blog post of their own so here's the rundown
So that's the team. We have formed a unique bond that helps us to work well with each other and deal with our quirks. I am ecstatic that the PhoenixConfig project (our first public project) has been released. These are all great people and I recommend you check them out.



Well it's official the PhoenixConfigs are released. I believe this is the first true PhoenixTeam project publicly available and I am extremely excited. PhoenixConfig was made to do  things
    1. Make it easier to make packs with purpose
    2. Allow the community to submit MineTweaker scripts to a hub and have them approved
    3. Make it easier to make MineTweaker scripts by the use of the MineTweaker library we compiled
I believe that the PhoenixConfigs shall be successful in these endeavors. I hope that I will be able to make the PhoenixConfigMod to make it even easier for people to use, but that is still just an idea. I would like to thank the people who worked on this especially Project Lead Gideonseymour for making this a reality. If anyone sees this and wants to make a script be my guest. We have chosen to use Github as our method to submit scripts. Here is a list of things to make a script.
  1. Make a Github account if you don't have one already
  2. Go to the PhoenixConfig Github
  3. Fork this repository
  4. Create your script
  5. Go back to the PhoenixConfig Github and make a pull request
As a final note, I hope that if you read this you will be inspired to contribute to this great project. If you have already done so I thank you for that.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Introduction to Strikingwolf

If you are reading this you probably already know who I am, but I'll continue anyway. I am what most people would call a gamer. However, my main interest is in coding. I have met a lot of people that have influenced me over the internet. The most influential people I have met on the internet are the people from...you guessed it the FTB forums. I am part of a great group of people, the PhoenixTeam (ThomazM, Qazplm601, SatanicSanta, and GideonSeymour). We are the admins of a ton of projects. These include PhoenixCraft and PhoenixConfig primarily, but we are associated with VampireMoney, Running Red, and Vaelstrom. These are all things pertaining to one of my most played games Modded Minecraft. I am a novice coder for mods of Minecraft, and I hope to learn a lot more about it. My favorite game though is probably Kerbal Space Program being the science nerd I am I love all the building and flying of my rockets (MOAR POWER). A lot of people I know IRL see me as one thing...the smart kid. I am this, but I am much much more. If someone asked me to identify one thing about myself I would have a hard choice between my religion and PhoenixTeam. The thing I love about the PhoenixTeam is they are completely nonjudgmental, you can be whoever you wanna be and whoever you are. Well I guess that's what their is about me primarily. I hope y'all enjoy this blog to it's full extent. Oh and for Gideon...TINY POTATO'S RULE.