Introduction to Strikingwolf
If you are reading this you probably already know who I am, but I'll continue anyway. I am what most people would call a gamer. However, my main interest is in coding. I have met a lot of people that have influenced me over the internet. The most influential people I have met on the internet are the people guessed it the FTB forums. I am part of a great group of people, the PhoenixTeam (ThomazM, Qazplm601, SatanicSanta, and GideonSeymour). We are the admins of a ton of projects. These include PhoenixCraft and PhoenixConfig primarily, but we are associated with VampireMoney, Running Red, and Vaelstrom. These are all things pertaining to one of my most played games Modded Minecraft. I am a novice coder for mods of Minecraft, and I hope to learn a lot more about it. My favorite game though is probably Kerbal Space Program being the science nerd I am I love all the building and flying of my rockets (MOAR POWER). A lot of people I know IRL see me as one thing...the smart kid. I am this, but I am much much more. If someone asked me to identify one thing about myself I would have a hard choice between my religion and PhoenixTeam. The thing I love about the PhoenixTeam is they are completely nonjudgmental, you can be whoever you wanna be and whoever you are. Well I guess that's what their is about me primarily. I hope y'all enjoy this blog to it's full extent. Oh and for Gideon...TINY POTATO'S RULE.
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